âš¡ Season 3 of All Premium Setups is out! âš¡


Need a configuration for a specific plugin? We have got you covered. We strive to create unique custom graphics configs for all features and align all of them perfectly in style.

Factories Config

Price: $10

Supported Versions: 1.16+

Purchase on BuiltByBit

Config for: Custom

ShopGUI+ Config

Price: $8

Supported Versions: 1.16+

Purchase on BuiltByBit

Config for: ShopGUI+

Leaderboards Config

Price: $5

Supported Versions: 1.16+

Purchase on BuiltByBit

Config for: Custom

Nation Tags Config

Price: $5

Supported Versions: 1.16+

Purchase on BuiltByBit

Config for: DeluxeTags

PlotSquared Config

Price: $8

Supported Versions: 1.16+

Purchase on BuiltByBit

Config for: PlotSquared

Deliveries Config

Price: $10

Supported Versions: 1.16+

Purchase on BuiltByBit

Config for: Custom

BattlePass Plugin

Price: $8

Supported Versions: 1.16+

Purchase on BuiltByBit

Config for: BattlePass

Rewards Config

Price: $5

Supported Versions: 1.16+

Purchase on BuiltByBit

Config for: Custom

BetterRTP Config

Price: $5

Supported Versions: 1.16+

Purchase on BuiltByBit

Config for: Custom

SuperiorSkyblock Config

Price: $12

Supported Versions: 1.16+

Purchase on BuiltByBit

Config for: SuperiorSkyblock

JobsReborn Config

Price: $8

Supported Versions: 1.16+

Purchase on BuiltByBit

Config for: JobsReborn

ExcellentShop Config

Price: $8

Supported Versions: 1.16+

Purchase on BuiltByBit

Config for: ExcellentShop

Playtime Levels Config

Price: $8

Supported Versions: 1.16+

Purchase on BuiltByBit

Config for: Custom

Quests Config

Price: $8

Supported Versions: 1.16+

Purchase on BuiltByBit

Config for: Quests

JetsMinions Config

Price: $8

Supported Versions: 1.16+

Purchase on BuiltByBit

Config for: JetsMinions

ToolSkins Config

Price: $8

Supported Versions: 1.16+

Purchase on BuiltByBit

Config for: Custom

DeluxeTags Config

Price: $8

Supported Versions: 1.16+

Purchase on BuiltByBit

Config for: DeluxeTags

Auction Config

Price: $8

Supported Versions: 1.16+

Purchase on BuiltByBit

Config for: PlayerAuction

Lottery Config

Price: $5

Supported Versions: 1.16+

Purchase on BuiltByBit

Config for: Lottery

Spawners Config

Price: $5

Supported Versions: 1.16+

Purchase on BuiltByBit

Config for: SpawnerMeta